
Southgate is a registered multi occupancy home which provides accommodation for up to four young people of both genders with emotional, behavioural and social difficulties. The home is located within easy reach of the local amenities within Pontefract town centre.


Manager: Amanda Farnaby

Ethos of Southgate

The ethos of the home is underpinned by the organisations model of care. The staff team are committed to the young people who live at Southgate to ensure that they achieve their full potential. Holistic individualised child focussed packages of care are evolved for the young people in conjunction with NSCAP and all professionals who are involved with the young people. Southgate provides a nurturing environment which supports the young people to achieve a sense of permanency.

Age of Young People

Southgate can accommodate young people of any age; however normally they are between 8 and 18 years old. The admission process is robust and includes the completion of a shared living risk assessment which allows the young people’s needs to be carefully matched with co-residents, including age, specific needs and stage of emotional development to ensure that the placement is in the best interests of all young people.

At Southgate we prefer planned placements as this gives new young people the opportunity to visit the home and meet the staff team and the other young people prior to them moving in. However we recognise that there may be occasions where emergency placements may be required, and we are sometimes in a position to offer this. This decision would only be made after consideration of the suitability of the young person being referred. It would be expected that a review would take place within 7 working days of the young person’s admission in the case of a planned move to ascertain whether it is in the young person’s best interests to remain at the home or to move onto a different placement. In the case of an emergency admission the review should take place never more than 72 hours after admission.


Southgate is a large six-bedroom detached house with a large rear garden. The garden is ideal for outdoor activities, for example, football, badminton and tennis. The ground floor comprises of a kitchen, dining room, lounge, utility room, toilet, education /indoor activity room and office. The indoor activity room has an x-box a pool table and an air hockey table. There is a private area within the home for young people to study and make a telephone call etc.

Southgate strives to create and maintain a homely environment for the young people to feel safe and secure. The daily routine of the home is centred around the needs of the young people. This is achieved by encouraging the young people to personalise their surroundings by actively involving them in choosing décor and furnishings for the home and personalising their own bedroom. The young people receive an allowance when they first move into the home so that they can purchase items of their choice to personalise their bedrooms. All shared areas of the home are accessible to young people. In the interest of confidentiality young people do not have access to the staff office.

Children receive care which is individualised to take account of their specific needs and vulnerabilities. Staff work alongside therapists and health workers to support changes in children’s behaviour. This promotes children’s safety and increases their opportunities to integrate successfully into society. Children make progress, becoming more emotionally mature, and developing a stronger sense of their own identity.

Ofsted, 2022

There are long-established relationships between staff, leaders, professionals and families, which makes effective communication easier. Children form strong bonds with the staff so that they feel able to share any anxieties and worries, and they value the advice and guidance they receive. When children are not ready to make changes, the staff are persistent at offering repeated opportunities to engage. This means that help is available at the point where children are willing to accept it.

Ofsted, 2022

Children’s views, wishes and feelings are central to their care. Their child-friendly care plans, and personalised monthly updates, summarise their achievements. Children’s rewards are used as a way of incentivising their care, which is effective in motivating them to achieve their goals. Their personalised bedrooms are beautifully presented, showing the pride children take in them.

Ofsted, 2022

Children have sometimes moved out of the home on an emergency basis. Despite this, the child’s needs have remained paramount to any move-on plan, and there is reflection and learning about the outcome. This shows an awareness of the impact of placement breakdown on children who may already have experienced limited permanence in their lives.

Ofsted, 2022

When children live far from their family home, staff support them to maintain ties and arrange for them to visit when it is safe to do so. This helps children to retain a sense of their history and understand where they fit in the world.

Ofsted, 2022

Our Approach

Consultation with young people is at the heart of all the work we do and the decisions we make about the child’s life are made with their involvement. We provide a nurturing and supportive environment which engages positively with young people and makes every effort to involve the wider system around them to ensure their needs are met.

We work hard to build constructive and warm relationships with young people and have a strong culture surrounding safeguarding issues where staff feel empowered and confident in risk management.

Girl Smiling

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